A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

Mission Statement

Our Mission statement here at S.I.S.T.E.R SISTA LLC is to enhance the quality of life for the developmentally disabled persons we serve and enable them to attain their highest potential with regards to their mental, physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. We strive to promote individual's dignity through growth and development. This allows us to integrate into the general community to be as productive and independent as their disabilities will allow.

The acronym S.I.S.T.E.R SISTA LLC stands for:

S- Securing

I- Individuals

S- Safety

T- Treating

E- Everyone

R- Respect

Securing individuals safety while treating everyone with respect.

The company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio on March 25th ,2020. My sisters and I have all have been apart of the healthcare field for over 10 years. We have worked with many different populations ranging from dementia , rehabilitation and Developmentally Disabled clients.

Our family is filled with many healthcare workers. My family consist of S.T.N.A, H.H.A, DSP workers and nurses. Through all of our families success and failures we have made it our mission to keep going by starting our own group home. Our late grandmother Doris Johnson was the founder of her own group home in the early 70’s. We’ve heard many stories about her love and care for her residents and community; in May of 2017 in her honor we decided that we wanted to try and start our own agency. We felt that we had gained enough experience and with the support of our family it would be a big success.